Grade 7 Update: March 10, 2020
Posted on 03/10/2020
"Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
–Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
When there is an injury to the body, it will direct all its resources to the affected area to begin the healing process. Embedded in the words of the late Dr. MLK, Jr is the idea of interconnectivity. Similar to the human body, we are all connected. We do not hurt or heal in isolation. No body part is superior to another. No matter what role we play in the lives of our students, we can make a difference together.
Important Dates:
Student Portfolio
: Due Tues. 3/31/20
MCAS Test Dates:
Tues. 4/14, Wed. 4/15,
Thurs. 4/16 (make-ups)
Wed. 5/6, Thurs. 5/7,
Fri. 5/8 (make-ups)
Academic Update
Students are exploring expressions and equations, reasoning with diagrams to find unknown quantities, and translating word problems into expressions. Students are holding each other accountable and taking risks in class, problem solving, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each strategy. As well as generating their own.
Students have been developing their team working skills by conducting small experiments, and refining their ability to work in groups. Students have discovered how to collect, graph, and solve speed problems using the formulas and finding patterns with data involving time and distance. Students have taken ownership by addressing crucial aspects of critical thinking and group work, communicating about their grades, any content they do not fully comprehend and learning capitalize on the opportunities provided in the class room.
In the past month students have been reading the play Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw, focusing on identifying the internal and external character traits of the play’s protagonist, and antagonist. Students have been participating in Reader’s Theater and have been actively reading the play. At the close of the play, students will be writing an argumentative essay to determine how characters have changed internally. Since the book is not written in modern English, students have been persevering with dissecting parts of the play and interpreting what is being said.
Students have begun their study of Ancient China, exploring the three Chinese philosophies of Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. Examining them through the lens of: which best creates peace and order in society? Recently they have been exploring primary and secondary sources to determine if the benefits of The Great Wall of Ancient China outweigh the costs. This analysis has prepared them to write their first documents- based questions essay of the year and to think beyond the data to decide if it was truly worth building The Great Wall.
Students have been working on determining the internal and external traits of the main characters in Pygmalion, learning how to analyze the character by using the characters’ actions and dialogue. Pygmalion is a play that is written in British English. This can be challenging for many students. However many students have stepped up to challenge and enjoyed reading the play out loud. Students are committed to the value of ownership and how they can improve their performance in and out of the classroom.
Students have been learning about West Africa. Students learned about the kingdoms, origins, traditions, and rulers of West Africa from 500B.C.E. to the 15th century. Students showed their passion in designing and creating African masks after learning about the culture of West Africa. They gave interesting and meaningful names to the masks and shared how they made the masks in Chinese.