Welcome Back to Putnam Ave. SY21-22
Greetings Putnam Ave. Students, Families and Caregivers,
I hope you are enjoying the last few days of summer and getting your children ready for back to school.
We are excited to welcome them back to our school building and give you a much-needed break from being parents, teachers, therapists, lunch aides, computer technicians, and all of the other roles you have had to play for the last year and a half. I know that it's been rough, and we appreciate your support.
Our teachers have been busy preparing their classrooms, writing lesson plans, and reviewing data so that they are ready to serve each student. For those of you whose children are entering middle school, and the building for the first time,
we are here to support you. You will be hearing from multiple teachers, so be on the lookout for upcoming information.
I look forward to meeting you shortly. I will be conducting listening sessions one-on-one and in small groups (virtually) to hear your successes and concerns about making this school year great and ensuring that Putnam Ave. continues its mission of educating the whole child using an equity and social justice lens.
Please read the attached student handbook carefully with your student and sign the form below to let us know you received and reviewed it.
We are excited to kick off our 10th Anniversary Celebrations with our school community on Sept 23rd, 5-7pm. You will have an opportunity to meet with teachers, community partners and enjoy some food and entertainment.
Back to School Flyer attached.
Thank you for entrusting us with your children.
With Gratitude!
Dr. Phanenca Babio-James
Head of School
Putnam Ave Upper School
Below are some helpful tips and reminders to prepare for the first day of school.
- Per district guidance, all students and staff will be masked till the end of the first semester in January, or till further notice.
- Students should be masked in the school building. If needed a mask will be provided.
- Please take a look at this flyer on wearing a mask!
- First day of school is Thursday, Sept. 9.
- School begins at 8:40am.
- All students will arrive at the Magee St. door by 8:40am. Staff will greet students outside, and direct them to the appropriate rooms.
- Students will use the blue stairs to go to their assigned classroom and will need to keep a mask on at all times.
- Students eating breakfast in-school, can enter the building by 8:25am (Staff will assist students at Magee St).
- School ends at 2:55pm.
- Teachers will walk students down the orange stairs at dismissal.
- Walkers will exit via the main entrance on Putnam Ave. Bus students will exit to the Magee St. door to take their buses.
- Early Dismissal (non-illness): Families must pick up their student outside of the building at the main entrance. The procedure will be that the student will wait in the classroom and be called to the office when the caregiver arrives.
- To report your student late or absent, please call 617.349.7780 or email our school clerk Ms. Jones [email protected]
Please see below for forms and info about getting to school, via bus and walking routes.
- Eligible Bus Students. CPS Transportation department is mailing letters to families today with bus information for your student. Due to limited space on the bus, students are only allowed to ride their assigned bus. Learn more about bus safety
- Change your child’s bus stop: If your child will need to take the bus to or from another address in Cambridge (example: childcare or afterschool), you MUST submit the Transportation Change Form to our school clerk, [email protected]
- Bus Stop Info: Find your bus stop or Track the bus
- Safe Walking & Biking Routes to School: Safe Routes to Schools or Walking Routes
- If you need any help figuring out your student's bus, please call the main office or write to our clerk Ms. Jones or family liaison Ms. Shah
Covid testing is an important part of keeping our school safe and we ask you to complete a Covid Testing Consent form for your child. You may:
- Please complete it in the CPSD Family portal
- Send the completed form with your student to Putnam Ave. or, email it to our School Nurse, Jennifer Rollins, at [email protected]
- Our School Nurse is in the process of scheduling testing, and you will be informed via email, once the plan is solidified.
- For testing & quarantine protocols and reminders about how our behaviors outside of school affect transmission of COVID-19, and check out this flyer.
- Please refer to this resource to understand what you should do in different Covid related scenarios.
- Our School Nurse who will care for your children is Nurse Rollins. She can be reached at 617.349.6563 for any urgent issues, however the best way to contact is through email at [email protected] or [email protected]
- If your child has asthma or life-threatening allergies, please be sure to bring their emergency medications on the first day of school on September 9. Asthma action plans, Allergy plans or other doctor's authorization must accompany any inhalers, epipens, or other medications that may need to be administered during the school day.
- Nurse Rollins will be in the courtyard of the building on 9/9 from 8:45-9:00 to collect medications from caregivers. If your child will be taking the bus on the first day of school, please make arrangements to deliver any needed medication prior to the first day.
- Attached are the Health History and Medication Consent forms for your convenience. Please indicate if your child has been vaccinated for Covid and provide the dates next to Past Medical History.
- Aspen: If you need your Aspen login info, or forgot your password, please contact our school clerk Ms. Jones [email protected] (please provide your student's full name and grade).
- Please fill out your student's back to school forms, health forms and covid testing consent forms in the family portal.
- If you need assistance filling out your forms, please contact Kunjal Shah, family liaison to set up a time to complete them with her assistance. [email protected] text or call 857.270.3365
- If you need a paper copy of the form, please email family liaison Ms. Shah [email protected]
Last week, you received welcome letters (linked below) from your Grade Level Teacher Leaders. This included information about your student's teachers, their contact info, supplies and more. For further questions, please contact your student's Teacher Leader.
- Students, staff, and those with appointments in a CPS building must review this Daily Health Checklist before entering a CPS building.
- If your child shows any symptoms, please keep them at home. If they have to stay home, contact the main office at 617.349.7780.
- You may NOT come to school or enter a CPS building if you have COVID-19 or may potentially have COVID-19.
- Please return all Chromebooks, Chargers, and Hotspots that were provided to you over the last school year on the first day of school. Even if they are not in working condition.
We are here to help. If you need any assistance with your transition back to school, or any other support, please reach out to Kunjal Shah, Family Liaison, or call/text 857.270.3365 or your student's Advisor if you have any additional questions.