6th Grade Update: December 20, 2018

6th Grade Update: December 20, 2018
Posted on 12/20/2018

In science, our scholars just finished the “Can I Believe My Eyes?” unit. We are super excited to start the next unit: “Earth’s Story.” This unit is derived from Earth Science. Scholars recently completed Common Assessment 2 for the unit “Can I Believe My Eyes?” Some of the students’ work and models have been on display in the classroom. Many students have demonstrated ownership by taking pride in their consensus model of how the human eye sees color. They were very creative as they illustrated how white light represents the electromagnetic spectrum and, depending on the color of the object, how it will reflect, scatter, absorb, and transmit.


War that Saved My LifeThis month in ELA we are working on literary analysis! We have already read two texts as a class. Seedfolks was our first class text followed by one of three book club books: Ghost, Out of My Mind, and The War that Saved My Life. Currently, students are analyzing character development in Seedfolks and their book club books in order to highlight a theme that is found in both texts. They will write their literary analysis before the Winter Break! The method that we are using to prepare students to write their literary analysis is to write interview scripts that were performed in pairs on Friday 12/14 and Monday 12/17. Each student created a script in the voice of a character that they will play. They will use the claim-evidence-reasoning strategy to answer four questions about character development. Each pair will represent and perform as one Seedfolks character and the main protagonist in their book club book.

Social Studies

This month, we have started our second unit of study titled: “The Rise of Early Humans.” During the unit, we spent time critically analyzing theories of evolution, early humans, and their migration patterns. Students are currently researching five different species of early humans in order to complete a project showcasing their knowledge and expertise of an early human of their choosing.
Students have had the opportunity to learn and refine research skills and focus on producing research and projects that showcase their strengths. In addition, students are showing perseverance by working through a challenging research project and creating a museum exhibit, coded illustration, or narrative to explain what a day in the life of an early human might have been like.


Students have wrapped up their work on Unit 2: Introduction to Ratios and are beginning to explore unit rates (rates per one) and percents (rates per 100). Students are also working on converting units of measure. Students took their Unit 2 test; many students met the criteria of showing mastery (earning 80% or above). Those who are still working on mastering ratios are working on test revisions/retakes. Students are taking ownership of their work by reflecting on their learning in Unit 2 and turning the stumbling blocks they faced into stepping stones. By examining, revising and reflecting on their work, 6th grade mathematicians are taking ownership of their learning.

Special Education

Students continue to build their skills in responding to constructed response questions with the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) strategy. A large part of the CER strategy in Math is built on diagrams and model representation, and Putnam Ave. students are drawing frequently and are challenged to model their math solutions. In ELA, students are learning about idioms and connecting to their academic reading assignments. In addition, students have stepped up their Stories of Self in Advisory. All sixth graders are preparing to share their stories during the school-wide Story of Self Day and have continued to develop and reflect on their stories and the stories of classmates and staff. Perseverance is a value that is being displayed more frequently in the 6th grade at Putnam Ave. Many of the challenges presented first quarter have been identified, and Putnam Ave. Panthers are regularly finding ways to problem solve and persevere. Great job sixth graders!

Chinese Immersion

Last month, students worked on their virtual brochure by using Google Maps, and they then presented their virtual brochure projects. We will move forward to the next unit, “The Rise of Early Humans,” to explore the origins of humans. Students are taking ownership by working collaboratively with their partners on their projects.
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