7th Grade Update: December 20, 2018

7th Grade Update: December 20, 2018
Posted on 12/20/2018
Science: Students have begun their second unit of Biology. This Biology unit will focus on what is happening inside of us and what it means for things to be living. Students will dig deeper into studies of cells and organelles, as well as investigate a series of driving questions about Biology that they developed at the start of the unit.

7th GradeELA: Students are starting our Harlem Renaissance unit. The essential questions for this unit are: How did the Harlem Renaissance impact American society during the 1920s and beyond? And How does the Harlem Renaissance help Americans understand the history and culture of African Americans? At the end of the unit, students will be participating in a project where they will demonstrate what they have learned about the Harlem Renaissance. Students will have a choice in what their project will be--the options are to compose a song, poem, or piece of art that reflects the Harlem Renaissance. This project will take a few days and will be worked on in class. Students will be presenting their work in the auditorium as we will transform it into the Apollo Theater.

Social Studies: Students have launched their unit on the Kingdoms of West Africa. We are investigating how the trans-Saharan trade allowed for these kingdoms to become powerful centers of trade and learning. We will culminate the unit by researching different African countries to answer how these countries contribute to the world today.

Math: Students have just finished their unit on proportions, which brought up several real life situations, such as how we use proportions to tax, tip, and coupons in our lives. The next time you are out at a restaurant, ask your seventh grader to calculate the tip for you! Or, if you are doing some shopping and are looking for a good deal, ask your seventh grader to see how much money your coupon is going to save you! Our next unit is about rational numbers, and we have been begun discussing how we use negative numbers and where they might be seen in our worlds.

Chinese Immersion: After finishing the unit on Islam, we are moving into the new unit on West Africa. Besides exploring the early development of West Africa, we will also learn how Ghana became a powerful kingdom. Students will learn the story behind West Africa’s wealth and its role in global trade.
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